hollywood sign
Hollywood Maps

How to get to the Hollywood Sign

If you’ve tried to google “How to get to the Hollywood Sign” recently, then you know Google tries to send you to Griffith Observatory. This is not the way!

The main entrance to the Hollywood Sign was closed because a small group of neighbors grew tired of the tourists. Bummer!

But that doesn’t mean you can’t see the sign up close. After all, what’s a trip to Los Angeles without the iconic photo?

Here’s how:

Click on the map below to get directions. See text directions below map if your cell coverage gives you some trouble.

Directions to the Hollywood Sign:

Cell coverage in the canyon is spotty at best — so here are the text directions if you need them.

Starting at Franklin Avenue and Beachwood Canyon in Hollywood, head north on Beachwood Canyon. If you’re in a hurry, you can pull over and snap a photo right from Beachwood. Please note, while it is a big street, cars speed by! Don’t assume you have the right away and those cars will stop. Some neighbors honk at tourists.

However, if you’re adventurous and want a closer photo keep driving north on Beachwood.

Turn LEFT onto LEDGEWOOD DR. (1.3 miles)

If you see a sign like this that says “Road Closed Ahead”… it is NOT real. It’s a sign the locals put up to deter YOU from going to the sign.



Once you get to the 3-way intersection of Deronda, Mulholland Hwy and Mt Lee, you’ll find a few gates. Look for the WHITE gate that has no sign. Open the gate and walk through it. You’ll be 50 ft from the bottom of the sign.

Total Drive 9 Minutes (2.1 miles)

PARKING: There is no parking on those streets on the weekends (another way the neighbors have tried to stop tourists). So Uber to the intersection of DERONDA AND MT LEE.

P.S. The roads are pretty tight and windy so drive slowly. Also, watch out for people walking their dogs/kids.

Once you enter the gate:

There is a wonderful hike ahead! Just follow the Mt Lee Dr trail around. When the road splits, GO left! And keep going left. That will bring you to the top of the sign (literally above the sign). You’ll get great views of the Hollywood and then the Valley as you walk the backside of Mt. Lee.

Have fun!